How long can you freeze steak and pork?

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by LaBellaVida, Jan 2, 2010.

  1. LaBellaVida

    LaBellaVida Happy to be alive!

    A friend of mine got a gift from someone from Omaha Steaks well over a year ago. They shipped her enough food to feed an army. She gave me two fillet mignons wrapped in bacon and four pork chops. They are in that plastic with no air...I think they call it "deep freezing". Anyhow, she gave these to me over a year ago and I put them in the my freezer and they must have gotten pushed to the back cause I kind of forgot about them until I saw them today....

    Can I cook these or should I throw them out?
  2. Joanne1216

    Joanne1216 Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't cook it!
  3. mleighp1

    mleighp1 Well-Known Member

    You can cook them. They will be fine.
  4. LaBellaVida

    LaBellaVida Happy to be alive!

    actually I called Omaha and they said it is fine to eat. But that after about 2 years the flavor won't be as good. They said the way they package them, you can keep them forever but again the taste won't be the same.

    So it's thawing in cold running water right now then I'm gonna grill it up with George Forman. So I'll let you know. If I post later or tomorrow, you'll know I didn't die!
  5. David

    David Gadzooks!

    Yes, they will perfectly okay, especially if they are vacuum sealed.
  6. Joanne1216

    Joanne1216 Well-Known Member

    My Tilapia is vacuum sealed and there's a date on it, good till...
  7. Joanne1216

    Joanne1216 Well-Known Member

    I'll be looking for you tomorrow ;)
  8. LaBellaVida

    LaBellaVida Happy to be alive!

    it was actually quite yummy! fried it up (didn't feel like cleaning the George Forman) with garlic and montreal seasoning. Butterflied. Made chopped spinach, asparagus and corn. Yummy! now hopefully I won't get sick
  9. KKPDX

    KKPDX Feeling Grateful Everyday

    I bet it was good! I would think it would be just fine too....:thumb:

    Filet Mignon is my favorite steak. It's only the best!! :D

  10. Scooter

    Scooter Na Koa Ali'i

    I seem to remember a story about explorers finding a woolly mammoth frozen in glacier ice and when they freed it the meat was so well preserved that they ate some. I would like to try a woolly mammoth steak.

    I supose if a 15,000-30,000 YEAR OLD STEAK didn't kill them then a few year old vacuum packed filet would be fine.
  11. LaBellaVida

    LaBellaVida Happy to be alive!

    LOL Scoot!!

    You know, it's so funny. Last night of course I had it in the back of my mind when I originally thought I could get sick. So I'm watching TV and I start to not feel so well at all. I had the same symptoms I had once when I ate chinese food. So I'm thinking about it and I realized that the seasoning I used on the fillet, had MSG in it. so there you go. it wasn't the steak that got me in the end.

    Tonight I'm gonna try the pork chop.
  12. PhilipOnFire

    PhilipOnFire New Member

    businesses have to put a use by date by law and they tend to be very conservative. however fish does not last anywhere near as long as beef.
    especialy oily fish like salmon the fat goes rancid and tastes bad although I do not think it would necessarily do you harm.

    Tilapia is farmed and having studied fish farming I would not eat tilapia, fresh or frozen.
  13. Scooter

    Scooter Na Koa Ali'i

    I second that. :puke:
    Love Salmon and many other fish but knowing how Tilapia is raised I will not eat it.

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