Going Gluten Free....

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health and Wellness' started by Joanne1216, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. mleighp1

    mleighp1 Well-Known Member

    Good job, jojo! I'm proud of you and impressed that you took action to make these positive changes in your life. How are you feeling? Have you noticed improvement from the changes you made?
  2. Joanne1216

    Joanne1216 Well-Known Member

    I forgot about this thread. What planet have I been on??

    My biopsy came back negative for Celiac and negative for parasites but my colonoscopy showed Lymphocytic Colitis. So I found a forum where everyone has Lymphocytic colitis... it's pretty darn popular I guess.

    I was put on steroids for a little over three months which helped with the inflammation, I also had a stool sample done which I over-nighted to a friend that I made on the site and she over-nighted to the lab (we did this because, New York State is not allowed to have this testing done, same with Maryland). So it came from Vermont instead of New York and the amount of food intolerance's that I have would make your head spin.
  3. Joanne1216

    Joanne1216 Well-Known Member


    This is the lab where my allergen testing was done... not through a medical doctor, as they (most of them) do not believe that gluten can be a major problem for some people. Just because I tested negative for celiac, doesn't mean I don't have an intolerance to gluten.

    Click on the link and look at the very last sentence in "Privacy and Confidentiality"
  4. KarenMason

    KarenMason New Member

    Also the flavoring of flavored potato chips is an unexpected source of wheat.
    The book "Wheat Belly" by William Davis is an excellent source of valuable information. As i understand it, the genetic modifications are responsible for much of the gluten-caused problems we are experiencing now. (from the author's biography on Amazon: "The wheat of today is different from the wheat of 1960, thanks to extensive genetics manipulations introduced to increase yield-per-acre.") I stopped eating wheat after reading that book and have never felt better....also lost 11 pounds without doing anything other than my normal fitness routine. :)

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