I feel Fear every time i want to do something, but i just do it anyway.

Discussion in 'About Success, Motivation & Goal Setting' started by Tendani, Apr 2, 2017.

  1. Tendani

    Tendani New Member

    I used to be controlled by fear not so long ago, fear use to tell me when i'm about to do something,hey man don't do it , it is too dangerous, it's too big for you ,you are gonna fail and so many discouraging stuff.

    The is some point in your life where you feel and know that you can do that particular thing, and fear kicks in and talk you out of it, you stat to judge your self and compare yourself to those who are doing it and you say, im not like them, i don't have what it takes, they are some kind of special people.

    Fear is a liar , Fear does not exist but it does exist only in our mind.
    Every body come across fear now and then, but the question is do you let it to stop you from what you want or you act anyway?
    The difference between Successful and Unsuccessful people they both feel fear and Successful people act on their dreams even when they are scared, and unsuccessful people they just let fear takes control over their lives.

    I feel fear every time i wanna do something, but i just do it anyway, and now fear is my motivator because when i feel it , i know i should do what i want to do.
    Do what you Heart tells you to do. http://successsecretsoftheultraweathy.launchpad.inboxblueprint.net/
  2. kratos

    kratos New Member

    You are doing awesome, keep on doing that

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