What do you do for fun?

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by iambt21, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. GR8FL2BME

    GR8FL2BME The Bejeweled One

    More stuff I do for fun

    Interior Design (I'm sure Merry could give me a few tips, but I'm pretty good at it)

    Road Trips!!!

    Playing with my two cats :cat: :cat:

    Watching the moon and stars at night


    Watching HGTV

    Window shopping


    Talking to friends on the phone

    Posting on this website

    Drinking Pina Coladas

    Gettin' caught in the rain...

    :rofl: I cracked myself up....:rofl:
  2. blade002

    blade002 New Member

    Play Retro games on my Amiga 1200 :)
  3. FAQ

    FAQ encyclopaedic synthesist

    and this is a good thing?

    do you see a pattern here JO?
  4. Jennihul

    Jennihul B excellent 2 each other!

    OK, new FAQ rule:

    FAQ, if you don't answer the actual question of the thread, you are not allowed to make critical comments.

    People of the square table?


    Thanks for your time.

    You may go now.

  5. KKPDX

    KKPDX Feeling Grateful Everyday

    LMAO Jennifer....:biglaugh:

    So FAQ- what DO Teddy Bears do for fun? :D

  6. Jennihul

    Jennihul B excellent 2 each other!

    Oh, I forgot...pig pickins. They like that around here.

    Add to the list:

    Sex, snogging and masturbation.

    Tailgating. It's an art and a science. We have good weather so we do it for everything. (We had a great spot for the Harry Potter book event at Border's parking lot..nice and dark so the movies were easy to see on the laptop... :D)

    Local touring. Apparently, there is more to NC than Cary. Who knew? So we venture out on the open road and peep stuff.

  7. GR8FL2BME

    GR8FL2BME The Bejeweled One

    :rofl: I love you, Jenni.... :rofl:
  8. GR8FL2BME

    GR8FL2BME The Bejeweled One

    Come and visit me! :wave:

    Have you been to the mountains yet? You've gotta go in October.
  9. Jennihul

    Jennihul B excellent 2 each other!

    I actually have a free invite in Sept. Friend's timeshare. We just kick in the food and the booze and call it even.

    Lake Lure. Golf. Biltmore. Drinking. Eating. 'Cetera.

  10. mleighp1

    mleighp1 Well-Known Member

    Survival Man is a dork.

    Bear Grylls, aka my secret boyfriend, is freaking hot!! The episode where he talks about how he misses his little baby at home and started crying...oh that did it for me. I was hooked. Sexy dads make me melt.

  11. CerebralPrimate

    CerebralPrimate SILVERBACK

    I know on one episode (not one I've watched) that he drinks his own pee to stay alive. He says it will make you sick after a day or so, but it will also hold off death from dehydration if that's an immediate concern.

    Just not sure about people who drink their own pee... :cookoo:

  12. mleighp1

    mleighp1 Well-Known Member

    So long as I don't have to drink his pee, he can still be my secret boyfriend.
  13. CerebralPrimate

    CerebralPrimate SILVERBACK

    Kinda makes "morning breath" seem like nuthin'...

  14. Scooter

    Scooter Na Koa Ali'i

  15. MidasGirl

    MidasGirl New Member

    :yup: :yup:

    He's hot. And actually, a guy who is the ultimate example of personal development. I love that he constantly reminds us, when you are in a survival situation, you have to maintain a positive attitude. I love Man Vs Wild, and it's the one show my 8-yr old and I can sit glued to for an hour. Me ogling Bear and her getting fascinated by him eating snakes. YUCK!
  16. mleighp1

    mleighp1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, good point. He's always talking about how its good for morale to build a fire and make yourself some tea even if you haven't got any food. Also, he's always focusing on the solutions, not the problems.
  17. Batman

    Batman Dark Knight

    or good actor and marketer of entertainment - the show has some controversy surrounding it right now. something about him staying at hotels and eating normal meals while making it look like he is 'roughing it'
  18. mleighp1

    mleighp1 Well-Known Member

    Nonsense. Survivor Man started that rumor.
  19. MidasGirl

    MidasGirl New Member

    Not knowing much about that rumor I can't comment on it. But personally I've never thought that what he was doing was totally "REALITY". In fact, it would spoil it if it was total reality. My understanding of it has always been that he is enacting survival scenes and trying to show people what they could or should do faced with such scenarios. Why, did any of his people claim it was the reality and nothing but the reality?
  20. Scooter

    Scooter Na Koa Ali'i

    Not really, there is controversy.
    True explorers aren't real excited about him.

    Ever wondered why he always has a metal cup and tea :hmm:
    When he started out with a flint and ball point pen :hmm:
    I admit, I watch his show but I see it for what it is, entertainment.

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